Friday, September 21, 2007

Mi querida Espana...

Os echo mucho de menos a TOD@S!!! Estoy muy feliz y me encanta todo lo que estoy viviendo. Esta experiencia es unica. Siento que mi vida es una caja de sorpresas :) Este cuadro me recuerda a mi querida Espana.

Un besito enorme!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Cultural shock

Mmmm tons of food... Big ice-creams! It's awesome. Free refills. There are many things very different but I love them. In some restaurants they have a kind of remote to keep you updated about when your place is ready. I think that it's a really good idea, I'm sure that in Madrid it could work perfectly.
I really like this blog and I hope to see at the end of my school year that my english has improved a little bit.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Always Maria

Here I am... I'm in the States,wow! Sounds important.. right? Probably yes.. but anything can't change myself. I always will be Maria or Chus, whatever, just me :)

I feel that I'm very lucky to have all of you, if you're reading this right now it means that you're important for me.

Love, Maria.

Sabi my black sheep

Well I'm very proud of having 2 black sheeps. Sabina is one them. She is just an incredible friend to me. Right now I would like to see her because it's really easy to steal her SMILE :) She always makes me HAPPY. I miss you Sabinorry. She is like a big hug, she is very special, just SABI!

Siempre seras mi oveja negra! Un besito desde los States.